Full of fake users

In my opinion on this social website are many fake users. I got some invites form suspicious people. I think I should delete my account here. 

4 Replies to “Full of fake users”

  1. Up to you of course. There are people who think they should just add everybody as a friend, there are spammers and scammers trying to get information out of you … and there are real people too. I doubt any other social site is any different.

  2. … additionally there is always the option to decline a “friend” request. I usually wait for some time and only accept people which I have something in common with or talked to over a longer period and bulk decline the rest.

  3. Wow, thanks a lot. I’ve never imagine that someone would read my post. I still don’t sure how this site work, but now i like it 🙂

  4. Everyone’s posts show up in the “timeline” unless set to Friends Only. I scan it when I log in to see what’s going on recently – if something is interesting I respond. Mind you, I probably only see stuff that was posted in the last hour. And then other people get to see my reply …

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